Kuningan University
(Short story by Katherine Mansfield)
dill pickle is short story which tells about a woman who meets again with his
beloved former that she hasn’t seen for six years. They were met again at the
Café unintentionally. She is Vera. A woman who is really loved the man, but she
also was broken the relationship with him. She came from rich family. It can
see when she had a little pot of caviar which had cost seven and six pence. She
really likes playing piano. On the other hand, the man who is really loved Vera
too, came from poor family. But it changes after six years later and he go
around to many countries. He often interrupts the conversation, especially with
Vera. It made Vera hate him. That his habit didn’t change until they have
meeting again. Beside that, the man is so self engrossed and often unconcerned
his sweetheart, Vera. He always busy with himself than anybody else. But,
between Vera and the man have some similarities, such as egoist, loved one
another, and have desire to go to Russia.
story began when Vera looks the man who was sitting at one of those little
bamboo tables decorated with a Japanese vase of paper daffodils. We usually
called Café. The situation of this setting is so quiet, like The Café which
nothing visitors beside them. Both of them felt shocked when their eyes view
one another. The man invited Vera to sit with him and have coffee. Hesitate,
she complies it. After Vera sits, they are making little conversation. But
suddenly the man interrupts her, call the waitress, to order some foods. It was
remind Vera to six years ago when the man stopped in the middle of what she was
saying. It’s same, nothing changes until they’re met again.
man retell about the sweet memory at Kew Gardens, when he didn’t know the names
of any flowers. Finally, he knew it one by one, such as Geranium, Marigold, and
Verbena. It was a sweet memory for him. Different with him, Vera don’t think
so. It was a bad memory for her. Why? Because the man made she felt
embarrassing in front of many people with his behaviour. How she had suffered.
In the warmth, as it were, another memory unfolded. However they were making
romantic activities like other couple.
setting moves to the Café again. The man offered Vera smoking. Smoking reminded
him to Russia. Then, he retell about his journey for six years. He spent time
with travelling to Spain, Corsica, Siberia, Russia, Egypt, and China. Vera felt
envy to him, because she is really wanted to go to Russia. She was not reach it
yet, but the man has go there. Russia is a special country for the man, because
it has changes his sadness become happiness. Before he retells about Russia, he
was remind about boatman’s song that Vera often like while playing piano. But,
she doesn’t have piano anymore for ages ago. Her piano was sold. The man didn’t
care about it. He starts to tell that he even spent some days on a river boat
on the Volga. He had imagined the situation on that river. He can join with Russian
without necessary knowing the language. The Russian life is so free. And the
peasants are so splendid. It can see when he offers a dill pickle to the wife of his friends, while they were picnic at
the Black Sea. The dill Pickle was
terribly sour. The man describes it indirectly. He used poetic expression, but
Vera can understand what he saying.
is a marvelous listener for the man. She was changes his life. He had never
spoken to anybody before. After he met Vera, he has become accustomed to spoken
with other people. Suddenly, the situation became unpleasant when the man tells
about a letter, how Vera broken their relationship, while laughing. It made
Vera feel offended what he saying. It was so hurt for her and she is crying. Then,
Vera stand up and ready to go away. But, the man restrains her with caught up
one of her gloves from the table. But, Vera can take her gloves again.
is a special woman for the man. So do Vera. She felt regret had broken the man.
He is the only man who had ever understood her. But, all is too late for her.
She go away from the Café without touch the cream or saying goodbye. She leaves
him alone. She had gone. He sat there, like a thunder-struck, without any
words. And then he asked the waitress for his bill. But, he don’t want to pay
the cream because it has not been touched.
the plot of this story is flashback. And the writer position in this story is
omniscient point of view. It can see trough external narrator who refers to
protagonist in the third person. The protagonist character is Vera and the
antagonist character is the man. I think the coda is “chance will never back
again”. So, used your chance efficiently, and don’t forget to think before act!
discuss the failure to recgin the lost love between the man and the vera