In Your Dream,, you can Imagine anything.. :)

Apapun yang ada dalam benakmu, Tuangkanlah melalui tulisan.. Menulislah selagi ide-ide itu mengalir..

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Bleeding Heart

This heart is bleeding again
when you made treaty like that


I can't doing anything

I only could accept it

I always agree with your decision

but don't mean you decided anything only by yourself

Why you never understand my feeling??

Actually,, Do you love me??

Eventhough my body is fine,

but my soul is so sick..

I respect your decision,

You mustn't make a fool of my heart feel you like it

have you know,

only one on my mind,

I believe with you

I believe that your decision is best for us

I am still waiting you faithfully

I wish you could see my loyalty

I'll always be there for you

1 comment:

  1. bikin senyam senyum sendiri baca puisi ini. ternyata masih ada aja kesalahan grammar-nya..

    #baru sekarang nyadar... hihi :p
